Titel: Zoonoses. Infectious Diseases Transmissible from Animals to Humans. 3rd Edition, 456 pages.
Authors: H. Krauss, A. Weber, M. Appel, B. Enders, A. v. Graevenitz, H. D. Isenberg, H. G. Schiefer, W. Slenczka, H. Zahner
Published: ASM Press. American Society for Microbiology, Washington DC., USA. 2003.
ISBN: 1-55581-236-8
Table of Contents
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Table of Contents
1. Viral Zoonoses
* Introduction
* Cycles of Arbovirus Infections
* Zoonoses Caused by Alphaviruses
* Zoonoses Caused by Flaviviruses
* Zoonoses Caused by Bunyaviruses
* Zoonoses Caused by Reoviruses (Coltiviridae and Orbivirdae)
* Zoonoses Caused by Arenaviruses
* Zoonoses Caused by Filoviruses
* Zoonoses Caused by Rhabdoviruses
* Zoonoses Caused by Paramyxoviruses
* Zoonoses Caused by Orthomyxoviruses
* Zoonoses Caused by Picornaviruses
* Zoonoses Caused by Herpesviruses
* Zoonoses Caused by Poxviruses
* Zoones Associated with Prions
2. Bacterial Zoonoses
* Introduction
* Anthrax
* Bartonelloses, Including Cat Scratch Disease
* Borrelioses
* Brucelloses
* Campylobacteriosis due to Campylobacter jejuni, C. coli, C. lari, and C. upsaliensis
* Capnocytophaga Infections
* Chlamydial Infections
* Ehrlichioses
* Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli Infections
* Erysipeloid
* Glanders (Malleus, or Farcy)
* Leptospiroses
* Listeriosis
* Melioidosis
* Mycobacterial Infections
* Pasteurelloses
* Plague
* Rat Bite Fever
* Rickettsioses
* Salmonelloses
* Staphylococcal Infections
* Streptococcal Infections
* Tularemia
* Vibrioses
* Yersinioses Caused by Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis
* Bacteria That Have Rarely Been Incriminated as Agents of Zoonoses
3. Fungal Zoonoses
* Introduction
* Dermatophytoses Caused by Microsporum Species
* Dermatophytoses Caused by Trichophyton Species
* Sporotrichosis
4. Parasitic Zoonoses
* Introduction
* Zoonoses Caused by Protozoa
* Zoonoses Caused by Trematodes
* Zoonoses Caused by Cestodes
* Zoonoses Caused by Nematodes
* Zoonoses Caused by Acanthocephala
* Zoonoses Caused by Arthropods
* Pentastomidosis
Appendix A: Animal Bite Infections
Appendix B: Infections and Intoxications Transmissible by Foodstuffs of Animal Origin
Appendix C: Iatrogenic Transmission of Zoonotic Agents
Appendix D: Zoonotic Diseases Notifiable at the National Level, United States, 2002
Appendix E: Zoonoses Involving Various Types of Animals
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