Medical microbiology deals with the etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis, therapy, epidemiology and prophylaxis of infectious diseases, caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. About 33% of deaths worldwide are due to infectious diseases. Research activities of a scientist usually concentrate upon special sections of the broad spectrum of infectious diseases.
My main scientific interests are mycoplasmas and chlamydiae, urogenital infections and zoonoses.
Mycoplasmas and chlamydiae are microorganisms with unusual properties of their cellular physiology and membrane biology. Mycoplasmas are the smallest prokaryotic microorganisms capable of autonomous growth and reproduction whereas chlamydiae are obligate intracellular bacteria with a unique developmental cycle.
Urogenital infections in the broadest sense, in particular prostatitis and epididymitis, sometimes pose diagnostic problems. They may have considerable consequences for male and female fertility, but on distant organ systems, too.
Zoonoses are infectious diseases transmissible between animals and humans. They comprise a complex spectrum of diseases due to the diversity of pathogenic agents involved. They confront physicians and veterinarians with special diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties.